launches at 


NEC Birmingham

6th - 7th May 2000

1000’s flock to experience the "fighting spirit" Following the huge success of Seni 99 this year’s exhibition was even bigger and better than before. One of the new areas of interest was the introduction of the seminar areas. This enabled members of the public and martial artists alike to train with and be taught by some of the worlds big names in Martial Arts including Carley Gracie, Tatsuo Suzuki, Frank Massar and many, many more. There were so many things happening all over the show floor this year that it was impossible to look at and cover all things in the one day and many people came back on the Sunday for another look around and witness some of the great displays and seminars.

One of the many clubs registering at Seni2000


The exhibition was filling up fast now and the crowds explored all areas of the show, seeking new equipment, video’s or books or looking out for one of the many fantastic displays of technique by the various styles of martial art. The girls from the Tang Soo Wariors were very entertaining with their incredible high kicking routines to pumping tunes. Always a great crowd pleaser was the many breaking demonstrations going on throughout the day, but one group of martial artist showing a different interpretation on the demonstration theme was the BFFA – British Free Fighting Academy. Chief instructor Andrew Hopwood along with other members of the BFFA adorned football club T-shirts, baraclarvers and yielding knives, guns and the odd beer can performed a great variety of different street type situations. Ladies defended with shopping and mobile phones along with a good measure of effective martial art skills gave a realistic look to self-defence.

The show meant that many new Martial Artists registered FREE on the registration and this is rapidly  growing. 

Remember if your not listed they can't find you. 

Register Free NOW.

Dont forget to check out many more photo's of Seni 2000 in our pictures pages

To find ourt about the next show
SENI 2001
click here to link to seniworld site


Carley Gracie visiting the stand

(Click on photos to enlarge)

Lisa-Anne Gore from Tang Soo Warriors


I was fortunate enough to get in on the Jujitsu seminar with Ross Iannoccarro 9.30 am on Saturday morning. Ross is the president and founder member of the NJJKC National Jujitsu Kumite Council and his style of Jujitsu is very much in the cutting edge of the Jujitsu movement. Right from the start Sensei Ross had the group learning excellent grappling skills with one counter move after another. During the two-hour session we covered a huge range of locks, chokes and takedowns. Most of Ross’s fighting skills are on the floor. Most fights are finished when the fighters are on the floor but with Ross it’s just beginning! 

Thoroughly awake now I stayed to see Carley Gracie take the mat for his two-hour seminar. It is a great experience to see and hear a true master of an art teach and instruct a group on his art.

Shaolin check out Seni

Perhaps the highlight of the weekend was the unannounced admission of the Shaolin monks. Quietly moving between the crowds, checking out the latest in martial art wear, the orange clad group caused a large distraction and the public who stayed were given a show they will never forget. With gravity defying stunts and feats of great strength and Chi energy the Shaolin are without doubt the most mystical and exciting of all martial artists to watch.


This rounded off a great weekend when all styles and disciplines of the Martial Art World were brought together under one roof and were united. The spirit of Martial Arts is still as strong as it ever was with interest growing daily. With the introduction of more Martial Art programs, films on main stream TV and inclusion in the Olympics, the Martial Art Spirit can only get stronger. Well done to all at Seni for a great show and we look forward to being there next year.

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