The Martial arts are evolving every day, times have changed, gone are the days of fighting Samurai on horse back. If your style does not include some form of grappling or Jujitsu your going to be left behind. Agree???
Yes to a point , I think that doing just Ju Jitsu is not all round good self defence. Its ok if you are on a ONE 2 ONE situation but grappling with someone while his mate kicks you in the head is another story. Cross training is the key or study a multi style martial art. The ability to strike, throw and grapple is the answer but of course takes years to master one yey alone all types of Martial art. As to the question Grappling V Striking all you have to do is see the ultimate fighting championship tapes to see the answer to that one!! Look out all you Karate people who think you know everything!!
Doing Just Ju-Jitsu is very well enough if it is tought correctly. Ju-Jitsu can not be a sport, no competitions. It is combat self-defense. Ju-Jitsu is the father of the Japanese Martial Arts, so it is like learning all the Japanese budo arts in one art. And can esaly work on Multiple attackers. There are a lots of schools out there who teach so called Ju-Jitsu but not really Ju-Jitsu. I can say i teach Physics but i don't know physics. But i still can. The students will belive what i tell them. You must see the Traditional Ju-Jitsu, the real Ju-Jitsu and then you will see the difference.
Thanks for those kind and genuine words Shihan - where do you practice Jujitsu ?
I don't for a second think Ju-Jitsu is out dated as people I have trained with have left me feeling that any martial art is good just depends on the person.
In todays climate, a thought must be had for the consequences of our actions. Jujitsu is an Art that if taught correctly will enable you to nullify any attack and restrain your opponent(s) with minimal reasonable force, striking is used as a means of deflecting attention or weakening the opponent for the final technique(s). Anything other than reasonable force and you could end up in court. Although in the heat of the moment is easier said than done. It is easy to dislocate someones shoulder, it is nearly as easy to apply a restraining shoulder lock, without damaging the joint.
hmm, saying that JuJitsu is only good for one on one is assuming that you are talking about brazilian Ju Jitsu. Ju Jitsu (Japanese based) deals with both single and multiple opponents
Hi Everyone, there are some interesting points made here. One thing to remember i guess is that so many variations of Ju-jitsu exist today in the western world due to ethics and laws, and some parts crucial to the art have been left out or worse forgotten.
By john on Friday, July 14, 2000 - 05:48 pm:
By Shihan Pierre Mans Hanshi, Hachidan on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 11:28 am:
If you do the real art of Ju-Jitsu you can handle 10 black belts easily without letting them to know what is happeening. You can easily take 4 attackers to the police station, locked in serius pain. The mind cannot think otherwise, because of the pain. Please don't belive my words. See for your self make sure it is the correct one. There are also very concrete and good Ju-Jitsu Schools out there too. The best thing about Ju-Jitsu is that it can be trained by everyone, Male, Female, Children, Weak and Strong it is not muscle but skill. Thank you for your time. Good luck to all geniune Martial Artists and Senseis Love your students like your suns. Students love your Senseis like your fathers and Mothers. Final thing keep your smille in the Dojo. Ju-Jitsu is fun for all.
By John on Tuesday, October 9, 2001 - 02:15 pm:
By Craig Sennett on Thursday, August 8, 2002 - 01:25 pm:
The difference is we can all throw a punch capable of knocking out someone weather we have been trained as a striker or not! Doormen - good example!
I think the grappling work is good as a decent joint damaging move can end the fight at the confrontation stage - i.e before he gets a move off - well worth thinking about.
By Garry Sherwood on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 01:16 pm:
By OneDragons on Saturday, September 27, 2003 - 02:23 am:
By Sensei Dave BloodHolland on Thursday, April 8, 2004 - 11:34 am:
I teach Kempo Ju-jitsu Kansen Ryu, as a complete art. Both traditional and modern concepts are taught. Strikes and kicks, use of knee, elbow and even head. Ground work, weapons. Nothing left out.
I believe that Ju-jitsu should be left in its original complete form. teach all techniques from soft to hard, educate the student deep and give them a reality check on the practicality and responsibilty of what they use.
Please feel free anytime to visit me at
Yours in Budo,
Sensei Dave BloodHolland